
Posts Tagged ‘beauvalzoo’

What is one of the best parts about visiting a zoo? Seeing all the baby animals!

What is one of the best ways to keep up to date about new babies at zoos? ZooBorns!

ZooBorns (www.zooborns.com) is an awesome website showcasing newborns in zoos throughout the world. With options on how to sort the feed – most recent, by zoo, or by animal – you can tailor it to your specific interests. Also they are on virtually every social networking site so they are easy to follow from home or even at the zoo.

ZooBorns not only announces when animals have been born at a zoo, but there are frequently follow up posts on how they are doing as well. Naming contests are often taking place at zoos to encourage public involvement and these are also incorporated into the posts, both informing of current ones and giving results.

Lion cubs from Busch Gardens Tampa showcased on ZooBorns. The two females were recently named in a naming contest – Shaba and Shtuko.

Although most zoos in Ontario are not currently involved very much with ZooBorns, once in a while one does show up. Residents of Ontario could use this website as a tool to see which zoos they would like to visit on family trips in the future – or to brighten their day with a picture or two! See also their books which are great for young ones!

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